Gender-based Violence in Different Countries

Every culture approaches gender-based violence differently. Western and industrialized countries typically have more progressive legislation; however, gender-related oppression is worldwide and has unique characteristics in every culture.

For example, in Spain, women have equal rights to men and the LGBTQIA+ community is accepted. With a closer look, you can see that reports of sexual abuse and domestic violence are very low. This is believed to be due to the social expectations of women as homemakers and child-rearers. A majority of married women do not have their own source of income and are financially dependent on their husbands. This causes their oppression to thrive in the social sphere as married women cannot access resources and safety from abusive relationships. 

It is important for travelers to research the laws and legislation in their country pertaining to gender-related issues. is a great resource for this. Reading anecdotal articles and accounts is also helpful in gaining a larger picture. Knowledge of local laws and social beliefs around gender will prepare a traveler for the responses they may receive. 

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