Safer stands in support of Black and Brown communities and against systemic racism and violence that has resulted in trauma and loss of valued lives. Black lives matter. Gender- & power-based violence is rooted fundamentally in power and control and is inextricably tied to the systems and institutions that perpetuate systemic racism. The issues of racial injustice and gender- & power-based violence directly intersect, and we cannot fully support survivors & dismantle rape culture without committing to the liberation of all marginalized identities.  

In community, 

Gillian Cutshaw, Campus Advocate 
Claire Lopez, Campus Advocate
Kirsten Vinther-Fanucci, Associate Director of Safer 

  • Continue to center anti-racist and anti-oppression work in our gender- & power-based violence prevention and advocacy. 
  • Strive for diverse representation among our student and professional staff. 
  • Commit to practicing cultural humility and continuing education about the intersections of systematic oppression and violence.  
  • Partner with programs and organizations that are centering BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) voices and experiences. 
  • Collaborate with Title IX, law enforcement, and community partners to ensure a safe community for all our students, faculty and staff. 


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Link to the Admissions Website for information on selection criteria, application deadlines, creating your VIP page and more!
