Request a Safer Workshop

Thank you for your interest in a Safer training. We are so grateful for campus-wide partnerships that allow us to engage students, staff, and faculty in the movement to end violence.  

Safer is committed to reaching the entirety of our campus community - we firmly believe that gender- & power-based violence prevention intersects with all academic disciplines, professional environments, social justice movements, and more. To build an anti-violent culture is to build an equitable culture - and we all benefit from that.

Be That Mustang: Bystander Intervention

One of the many ways to prevent violence before it happens is to intervene in the moment - but it's not always as easy as simply "see something, say something." This interactive, safety-centered workshop gives you tangible tools to empower you to step up.

Violence Prevention, Public Health & Social Justice

This presentation covers the historical and theoretical intersections between the fields of public health and social justice, and the implications for the violence prevention movement.

How much is too much? What if they're both drunk? Is all drunk sex assault? What's the grey area? Why are sex and alcohol often linked? Your questions answered in this interactive workshop, co-facilitated with Health Educators.

The Sex Ed You Didn't Get In High School

This workshop provides an overview of the inclusive AND comprehensive sex education that we all deserved - in an empowering & supportive environment. We cover the basics (contraceptives, STIs, etc) but also discuss expansive definitions of sex, consent, pleasure, porn, boundaries, and so much more. Your questions (finally) answered!

Boundary Setting & Healthy Communication

"Unset expectations lead to unmet needs." This workshop offers techniques to improve your communication skills - to honor your own needs and wants, while leading to more equitable and fulfilling relationships.

How to (Healthily) Argue

Every relationship has conflict. This workshop offers tips & tools for ensuring those conflicts are handled healthily and effectively - so everyone walks away feeling heard, seen, and validated, even in disagreement.

Creating a Culture of Wellness: Supporting Survivors

In our culture, victim-blaming is pervasive. This workshop gives you the tools to respond appropriately if a survivor discloses to you, as well as resources to cultivate a trauma-informed, healing-centered, and empowering environment on campus.

"What now?": Reconciling a Friend's Behavior

This workshop provides an overview of what happens if your friend is accused of violence or toxicity in their relationship - a guide on how to support survivors, whilst holding peers accountable.

Athletes for a Safer Campus: Making a Game Plan

This interactive workshop, developed by and for student-athletes, covers the intersection between sports culture and violence prevention, empowering attendees to make a difference with their leadership.



**Please allow at least 2 weeks between the submitted request and the proposed presentation date. Exceptions may be made under special circumstances. Thank you for understanding.** 

If you have any questions about this form, or what Safer can offer, please email Jennifer MacMartin, our Prevention Specialist for Gender-Based Violence Initiatives, at

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