Reporting to Title IX for a University Investigation
The decision to contact and report to Title IX is entirely yours.
You can review the most up-to-date policies for Title IX on the Civil Rights and Compliance Office website. More resources:
- View the Interim CSU Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Exploitation, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking, and Retaliation here.
- Watch a recorded panel discussion (hosted October 2020) between ASI, Safer & Title IX here.
The Civil Rights and Compliance Office/Title IX is tasked with responding to complaints of sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, or sexual violence in order to remedy any hostile educational environment created by these behaviors.
Quick Facts for Survivors:
We have confidential Advocates available to offer support and discuss your options for additional care and reporting. You can make an appointment by clicking here.
- If the person that perpetrated sexual discrimination, harassment, or violence against you attends or is employed by Cal Poly – you have the right to request that Title IX carry out a fair, impartial investigation into the incident(s).
- If the person that perpetrated sexual discrimination, harassment, or violence against you does not attend or is not employed by Cal Poly – the Title IX office does not investigate these matters, but accommodations and safety measures will still be accessible to you.
- You can access accommodations and safety measures, including No Contact Orders between you and your perpetrator, without engaging in an investigation through Title IX.
- You can access accommodations for on-campus housing, adjustments in your class schedule, or your safety on campus without alerting your perpetrator.
- There is no way to remain anonymous and pursue a Title IX investigation - in order for the University to conduct an investigation, investigators would need specific information and participation, while ensuring privacy of the parties involved.
- Title IX and law enforcement investigations are separate processes. You can report to Title IX without reporting to law enforcement, before you report to law enforcement, or after you’ve reported to law enforcement.
- If you are considering reporting to the police, you’ll want to inform Title IX of that during your intake appointment so that the investigations do not interfere with one another.
- You can start a report to Title IX by:
- Emailing to set up an intake appointment,
- Calling 805-756-6770 to set up an intake appointment,
- By filling out the Interim CSU Policy Complaint Form and attaching it to an email addressed to,
- Or, by responding to the email you’ve received from Title IX if you’ve already shared your experience with a mandated reporter (any faculty or staff member that is not Safer staff or Counseling Services staff), and Title IX has already reached out to you with your rights and resources.
You can read more about Title IX as a college resource at Know Your IX.